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I am a scientist with domain expertise in machine learning, genomics/bioinformatics, and RNA biology.

I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Yeo Lab and recent graduate from the UC San Diego Bioinformatics & Systems Biology PhD Program, co-advised by Dr. Gene Yeo and Dr. Hannah Carter. During my PhD, I created [bento-tools](<>), an open-source Python toolkit implementing my own machine learning algorithms and statistics for studying RNA and cell biology. Outside of the lab, I spend time with my dog 🐾 in sunny San Diego, CA at my favorite coffee shops and breweries.

Conferences & Events

As a scientist, I frequently present my work at conferences/scientific events, sometimes around the world. Please say hi if you attend any of these as well!



These are some of my recent work spanning science, software and teaching.


PhD Thesis

Contact Me

clarence.k.mah (at) gmail (dot) com

Send me an email or DM me on Twitter !

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